It seems kids put a strain on a marriage for some reason? is this the top reasons for divorces and spats?Are married couples happier before children?
No, I think the top reason usually is finances, which kids can be related to. We were nervous about having kids since our life seemed so perfect and we didn't want anything to mess it up! But having children has really added a whole new dimension to our happiness. Kids might add a little to the budget, but they pay for themselves in entertainment value. I don't know how many nights, my husband and I have just sat there and watched the kids playing and being silly and mentioned how much better entertainment it was than a tv show! And until they are older, they go to bed by 8pm, so you still have a good three hours for ';married'; time together.
Oh, but I do want to add that being PREGNANT adds a big strain to a marriage. Yeah, I'm pregnant right now and have basically been camped out on the couch for the last three months because every time I move, sit up, stand, walk, turn slightly, change rooms (different air pressures and humidity), smell something slightly off, or haven't eaten something in the last two hours, I VOMIT! So, no, ';Mama ain't happy'; when she can't move and is eating nothing but popsicles! The kids aren't happy because I haven't been able to give them the attention they need, and my husband isn't happy because he is having to do all the cooking and cleaning all of a sudden. So, pregnancy itself definitely isn't the glowing royal treatment you would think. Haha.Are married couples happier before children?
heck yeah! anybody who says otherwise is only lying
children are very hard work and take up (a good parent's) every thought and piece of time. ultimately, your reward from having them isn't even guaranteed to come and usually doesn't show up until later in life. they make dealing w/ your already hectic life and accomplishments at hand all the more difficult. that, in turn, takes its toll on your relationship and mood, temperament etc... i actually think many couples aren't even smart enough to put 2 +2 together, but again, the answer to your question is yes
i wouldnt say kids are the top reasons for divorce n marriage spats but they do cause some strains especially when it comes to decision making involving kids...
and yes i would say married couples are happier b4 the children arrive. its just the 2 of u , you can go anywhere as and when u want w/o having to worry about diaper change, milk and feeding time, the inconvenience of travelling....and of course the spats come when the bulk of child rearing responsibilty fall on the mother altho she may be working full time like her hubby..
my husband and I never had an argument until after our kids were born. there is a lot to having kids. you have to learn new roles as parents and role-models. there are disagreements as to how the kids should be raised and figuring out what is and isn't important. Now, we also have more concerns about what we do with our money and who should be allowed around them, because not all people are suited to be around children.
I don't think I was happier before, but it was simpler.
wow, I just noticed that I followed you from P%26amp;S ha ha
NO people are living a more active lifestyle without kids. children, when planned, tend to create a bond between a couple that can never be duplicated. i know it sounds cheesy but if your idea of fun is slam hammered in a club then no you wont be happy. but if your perfect feeling is christmas morning then your life and relationship will be enriched by children.
Having babies mean more work, less time for rest and first few years can be really hard for working moms. All it takes is a good, reasonable and responsible husband to keep the marriage alive. :-)
Of course they put strain on a marriage. Bringing up little people is no child's play, you know. But children are not the reason marriages break up, unless one of the two decides after the fact that they don't want the responsibility.
Hi from France 鈾?br>
Happier ? I don't think ! .. It's just different ! Anyway the desire to have children is instinctive ( like many things in the life), and humans need to follow their instincts...
Have a nice day,
Yes because you can have time for each other. And they are happy with children because it gives you a reason to do something in life.
I have to say ';yes'; to a point.
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