Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is there government assistance for divorced/separated couples?

so i'm 25 years old and i think i am headed for a separation or divorce and i wanted to know if there is any help out there, like government or something, tell i can get on my feet. he was the bread winner i was sick kinda throughout the marriage and if this does happen i'm left with nothing... what should i do?Is there government assistance for divorced/separated couples?
Your husband should be paying you some alimony (how much will depend on how much he makes and how long you're married) as you get back on your feet and find your own way. I strongly suggest finding a divorce lawyer if you think your marriage is ending.

Actually, I'd recommend couples counselling first - that is, if you're willing to work on trying to save the marriage.Is there government assistance for divorced/separated couples?
If you have kids, there is welfare assistance in the form of food stamps, medicaid, cash aid, etc....However, I wouldn't recommend staying on it. This should only be used as a safety net, when the bottom falls out from underneath you. You already said...';till I can get on my feet';, so you already have the right idea.

If you don't have kids, which I suspect you don't because you probably would have mentioned that, you can try and get alimony. However, it sounds like you cannot really afford a lawyer that could get this for you. try the legal aid office in your area, or check with a para legal that could file papers for you (they cannot represent you though, since they are not allowed to practice law) But they do know how to sift through paperwork.

If at this point, you only THINK that you are heading for divorce, you may still be at a point in your relationship where you can have a civilized conversation with your spouse about the issues that compelled you to ask this question in the first place. You may just be having fear that he MAY leave. Or it could be you that wants to end the marriage.

In any case. It may be wise to find a job to live on while you beef up on your job skills by taking college classes, etc... I have always lived by the rule to never depend on anyone but yourself for your financial security. Even if you are in the most secure and loving relationship......That breadwinner could be gone in a heartbeat, it's always good to have a backup plan.
Get the phone book out and find an inexpensive attorney. File for divorce asking for temporary spousal support - or whatever they call it in your state (and if they even have it). Hopefully he won't contest it. If you think he will, that may not be the way to go. Otherwise the judge will probably grant it if you can say, hey, this is my plan to eventually support myself.

Final decree you'll be asking for alimony for a period of time to help you gain your independence.
If there is I've never heard of it.If you want a cheap lawyer call the bar association and ask for a low budget attorney sometimes they have them off there list it does cost a small fee for the referral.I've used them for a dept collection dispute before and my mom used them to divorce my dad.The government views these as domestic problems and not as something tax payers pay for.
Why not get a job like the rest of us or I don't know take your marriage vows seriously and stick with it.

People on wel-fare are like stray animals if you ever feed them instead of looking for thier own food they just keep comming back looking for the handout.












welp thats all i can think of
Stepanie, I like your answer. Couldn't have said it better myself. Would have given you a thumbs up if I could have.

Stephanie, now I can vote, came back and gave you a thumbs up.
There is no federal assistance. Local assistance all depends on where you live.

Check your city and/or county agencies for welfare.
Just the basic welfare type programs. if you need them, use them. They are there for people who need them. Just don't abuse them....
  • shiseido
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