Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do couples have lots a kids ? Do they think they are so great they need to pass on the genetic code?

I live in a Mormon community and wonder y so many kids? A small family is 5 ! know a woman that has 10 and wants More! Why do you think they feel this is ok with the world being over populated?Why do couples have lots a kids ? Do they think they are so great they need to pass on the genetic code?
I say we end up like Japan. ( I believe) where you're only allowed one kid (only we dont make the rule for it being just a boy). I know it sounds harsh, but we're waaaay over populated as is!Why do couples have lots a kids ? Do they think they are so great they need to pass on the genetic code?
Our faith believes that the greatest thing we can ever accomplish on this earth is to have a family and bring children into this world. It's different for everyone though. I'm Mormon and I don't plan on having 10 kids. That's my preference. You know, other non-mormon pelple have 10 or 20 kids themselves.

';Do we think we're so great we need to pass on our genetic code?'; Wow... you have a lot of nerve.
I feel sorry for you... You live in a community of rabbits !!!

I would imagine it has something to do with the religion...
it could be that they want to pass on their faith, since there aren't too many of them, ie i dont know anyone who is a mormon
I don't know anything about the Mormon faith or community but people from all backgrounds have these large families sometimes. I don't get it. Maybe they just enjoy the drama of having all of those kids.
Low education.
Don't know but I don't want to have to put up with any.
I think it is their decision to do as they please... I am not Mormon so I don't know the reasons but personally we stopped at two....

I am not Super Woman.. So 2 is plenty to keep me ever so occupied...

I am sure religion may be a reason but none the less it is their choice.....
I think it is mostly people of the religions what do not believe in using birth control.

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