Friday, November 25, 2011

What does the bible mean when it says to married couples, ';stop depriving one another';?

Adultery is one of the 10 Commandments. Meaning its high up on the Do NOT do list. So do not keep your husband sexless, the same goes for him. Do not give him a reason to go looking for satisfaction somewhere else. EXCEPT by mutual consent, meaning both agree to postpone it for a while.What does the bible mean when it says to married couples, ';stop depriving one another';?
When one goes out in public, generally they are on their best behavior and they show interest in friendships always helping out and uplifting spirits of those around them. When they go home usually it's totally different. they fuss fight argue and what not mostly they put the children before the spouse. When one marries another the two people become one person one unit. They should be putting their spouse before them The order is god spouse yourself then children. It's hard but that's how it is.What does the bible mean when it says to married couples, ';stop depriving one another';?
It means if your husband wants sex give it to him don't deprive him and same goes for his wife if she wants to go out with you then take her out. Don't deprive one another of the things they like to do.
I don't know. Quit living your life on the basis of fiction. Henry David Thoreau said many intelligent things, as well as many other authors, but we don't base our life around them. Wise up.
emotional, you gotta be best friends and go to war together, life will kick your @ss if you dont team up to fight.
If he/she wants the meat, feed him/her.
wow your poor husband!!!! deprive him and he will find someone else.... more or less that is what it means!!!
don't be selfish.

that's weird, so if they wanna cheat we should let them?
  • shiseido
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