my teacher is japanese and most of her relationships are with white men.
In new york city, never a day goes by where I walk down the street and I see asian women and white men couples.Why is there a lot of Asian Women and White Men couples?
Because Asian women tend to be gorgeous with beautiful hair and perfect skin. I'm not sure why they go for white men though...Why is there a lot of Asian Women and White Men couples?
itz nasty but people say asians ';luv u long time';....ya...gross 4 a 13 year old (me)
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I believe it's based on mutual attractions. However, you may find more of these qualities in Asian women:
Good cook
here is some insight why that happens, the white guys you see dating the asian are the guys with the small peepee, its great asian are very submissive to theyr great
I'm asian and I find myself attracted equally to asian men and white men. I'm guessing it's because asian and white people tend to live near eachother--- and they tend to go to the same colleges. In the nation's top-notch universities (Stanford, NYU, Berkeley), the student population is made up of mostly Asian and White students (unfortunately, this is also where the controversial issue of affirmative action arises).
cause asian women is purty.
cultural attraction. maybe white men like asian food!
Maybe those men are attracted to exotic women. I don't really know why the Asian women are attracted to white men, but maybe they are so used to European/white people in their lives, that they don't see much difference between them and Asian men. Some are probably attracted for the money that they think white men might stand for. Also, the reason you may see more Asian/white couples, is that many blacks and whites still find it hard to mix, though that is fortunately rapidly changing.
because asian women are interested in the money. My friend is asian and she dates only white men because she said she doesnt want to ever be poor ever again especially if she gets married. And white guys are dumb and give away all there money
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