Friday, November 25, 2011

Why do some couples look down upon adoption if they really want kids but can't have their own children?

I just don't understand why some people look down upon adopting when they have done everything they could to have their own baby (ex: fertility treatments, envitro, etc). There are so many unwanted kids in this world. A baby is a baby regardless of weather they are your own kids or someone elses.Why do some couples look down upon adoption if they really want kids but can't have their own children?
Not that you don't make a good point, but I'm sure they have their reasons. For instance, not wanting to raise a kid that one day decides to search for his/her 'real' parents. Or having to wait for years to finalize in case the 'real' mother changes her mind or gets her act together. Being asked to take older, handicapped or mixed race children when they want a healthy baby that looks like themselves. Who are we to judge them? And often by the time they give up on fertility treatments they are considered too old to adopt (except for hard to place children).Why do some couples look down upon adoption if they really want kids but can't have their own children?
I'm not sure, but I think people might be put off by several things. Firstly, it seems that adoption can be a very lengthy and expensive process. It can take many years, and good people get refused by adoption agencies for all sorts of reasons, sometimes simply out of prejudice.

Then, people might worry that children who have come from difficult homes may have problems later on. For instance, they might worry the child will have learning difficulties or behavioural problems.

Finally, there has been a lot of negative press lately. Children stolen from their parents to be ';sold'; into adoption - imagine how terrible it would be for the adoptive family, and the adoptive child, to find out their biological parents never wanted them to be adopted.

But really, I agree with you. More people should adopt children, and more should be done to inform people and it make it easier for people to adopt.
  • shiseido
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